The Empress represents femininity, fertility, beauty, and unconditional love. The card’s energy applies to both women and men, as we all have feminine (and masculine) traits.

The Empress represents femininity, fertility, abundance, nature, beauty, and unconditional love. When reversed, it might indicate that you are too dependent on others and that you might lack faith in love.
The Empress is tarot card number 3 in the Major Arcana sequence. She represents fertility, feminity, love, and beauty. If you want to up your vibrational state, this card is for you!
Unconditional love is the way to find true happiness; what you bring to the world will return to you.
If you are interested in a cheat sheet of all tarot card meanings, make sure to bookmark the cheat sheet page below.
Related page: Tarot card cheat sheet
Upright: Femininity, fertility, family, beauty, nature, unconditional love, abundance, nurturing, high vibrational state, creator of art and humanity
Reversed: Dependent on others, no faith in love, fertility issues, creative block, lack of self-love, broken or lack of family unit, neglect of needs, imbalanced relationships
The only way love can last a lifetime is if it’s unconditional. The truth is this: love is not determined by the one being loved but rather by the one choosing to love.
Stephen Kendrick
The card shows a woman sitting in a wheat field, representing fertility and abundance. In the background, you notice a lush and peaceful forest.
She holds a spear, and in her tiara, you see twelve stars representing the year and zodiac signs. The stars represent the cycle of our existence here on Earth. The stars also represent the cycles of reproduction and heavenly realms, Venus in her essence.
The Empress sits on luxurious cushions and seems to be pregnant. The symbol of femininity is also found in a heart representing eternal and unconditional love.
This card breathes calmness, love, abundance, and feminine power. It is always good to remember that regardless of gender identity, we all hold feminine traits to more or less an extent.
- Numerology: 3 (III)
- Element: Earth
- Astrology: No ruling sign
- Yes or No: Yes
- Supporting crystal: Rose quartz, peridot, moss agate
The Empress is about love, nurture, nature, beauty, and creation. She is the mother of the Tarot and is closely connected with the Death card. The Empress is the cradle, and Death is the grave. When you get the Empress in your reading, it is time to connect with your feminine energy.
The Empress tells you it is time to open your heart and feel the strength of unconditional love. Open your heart and allow love to flow freely. Love is endless; you can’t run out of it.
The Empress calls on us to care for our family (it does not have to be a nuclear family). If we want to create a family, this is the time!
Also, take note of the beauty surrounding you – nature, people, and the arts. Mindfulness and conscious awareness of your surroundings are great ways to hone in on the powers of the Empress. Beauty can be seen in most things.
The Empress is connected with abundance and a comfortable lifestyle. This is a sign you have everything you need. You are feeling content and at ease with life overall. You feel connected to the universe’s rhythm – you are in the flow.
The Empress is connected with abundance and a comfortable lifestyle. This is a sign you have everything you need. You are feeling content and at ease with life overall. You feel connected to the universe’s rhythm – you are in the flow.
Sandra Törnroth
When you get the Empress, it is time to connect with your feminine energy. Regardless of gender identity, we all have feminine traits. Care and nurture the world around you.
If you are artistic, it is time to create! Make the world a beautiful place through art and expression.
The best cause of action is to open your heart to love. Nurture the world around you and notice the beauty of nature and the arts. Create with your hands and mind and express the power of love.
If you want to learn more about predicting love with tarot cards, I invite you to read the article below.
Further reading: Tarot Readings for Love: Fact or Fiction?
When you get the Empress in a love reading, it is time to open your heart for unconditional love.
Nurture your relationships and make sure you give it your all. Don’t hold back because of fear. Now is the time to love – with your whole heart.
If you are trying to get pregnant and start a family, this is a beautiful card as it signifies motherhood and birth. Remember, though, the concept of “family” can look different; it does not have to be a traditional “nuclear family.”

If you are in a relationship, ensure you are not holding back due to fear of rejection or hurt. Grab the opportunity of feeling genuine love. Love is not dependent on another person – love is endless and eternal. You can’t ever run out of it. Let it flow freely!
Make time for your partner! Go out for dinner, watch a movie at home, cook dinner with candle lights, you choose! Make time for love and romance in your busy everyday schedule.
The best cause of action when getting the Empress in a love reading is to allow yourself to feel the intense emotion of love. Don’t hold back out of fear of getting hurt. Explore love and what it brings when you let go of the fear of heartache. Make time for your partner and foster love.
If you want to know what cards might indicate pregnancy, check out the article below.
Further reading: Tarot Cards That Indicate Pregnancy
When you get the Empress in your spread, abundance is around the corner! The Empress is a sign of growing possibilities and opportunities. Nurture your business, and it will blossom into something extraordinary.
The Empress brings you financial security and stability. The motherly energy of the card gives a feeling of calm and clarity – a perfect environment for economic growth.
The energy of the Empress encourages you to be creative. It is a great time to find an alternative or supporting income stream. Don’t get stuck; open your mind to new possibilities. Maybe you can enroll in a course or learn a new skill.
The best cause of action is to get creative! Find new ways to up your salary or income – it is time to act. The Empress invites you to enjoy the abundance that surrounds you.
When you get the Empress in your spread, it is time to use your creativity! Use your creative spark to get out of a rut. If you want to explore a new business idea, project, or career, now is the time to act!
Let your clients know how your knowledge, services, or product give them calm and security! Show them how much you care – and they will be loyal to you and your business.
If you are employed, it is time to show how much you care about the company. Let your boss know how creative you are. You will soon be a key player at your workplace. This might bring you a boost in salary!
The best cause of action is to show your employer or clients how much you care about them. Show them how invested you are in their success. This, in turn, will lead to loyal customers or employers. It is time to act on your dreams and ideas – you are surrounded by positive energy and abundance.

Getting the Empress in its reversal might indicate that you are not in tune with your feminine energy. You might be dealing with creative block—a lack of self-love or feelings of abandonment.
It is common to get the Empress in its reversal when you struggle with a relationship. You might be too motherly, acting more as a mother than a lover.
The reversed Empress might show neglect of emotional needs. It is not uncommon that this card shows in a reading when you are in a strained relationship or experience unreturned love.
The Empress, in its reversal, might also indicate fertility issues and a lack of faith in love.
You might be disconnected from nature. Be sure to walk, explore mindfulness, and leave the office. It is time to experience nature’s beauty, listen to the birds, feel the wind against your skin, and inhale the fresh air.
The best cause of action when getting the Empress in reversal is to make sure you are working to strengthen your self-love. If you experience negative self-talk, it is time to heal and create new ways of relating to yourself.
If you are experiencing feelings of abandonment, finding ways to heal might be a great idea so you can open your heart to love again. Take a walk in nature and ground yourself in the beauty of Mother Earth.
When the Empress, in its reversal, appears in a love reading, it might signify that the relationship is unbalanced. Maybe you are taking on a too-motherly role?
Be sure you are not suffocating your partner by being too codependent and needy. Make sure you are on the same level.
If you have issues in your sex life, it might be time to evaluate how you relate to yourself and your body. Are you comfortable in your skin? If not, it might be time to practice self-love and acceptance.
If you are experiencing fertility issues, you might need to ground yourself and find a balance. Connect with the power of nature, and never forget that sex is more than creating a baby. I know it is hard, but you might be trying too hard.
When getting the Empress in its reversal, the best cause of action is to make sure you love yourself. If not, it is time to work on your self-love and acceptance. To have a thriving relationship, you need to love yourself. When you love yourself, the rest will come.
The Empress reversed might indicate that you are too dependent on another – your partner, partner, or family.
It is time to work on your independence. Find a job or side hustle to balance your relationships’ economic situation.
The best cause of action when getting the Empress in your spread is to allow yourself to find financial independence and balance. Ensure you are doing your part.
If you are a business owner, consider your inner self-talk. Are you putting yourself down? If so, work on your self-love and acceptance.
When the Empress appears reversed in a career reading, it might indicate that you are too dependent on your work or business.
It is always advised not to have all your eggs in one basket. Why not find a side hustle you enjoy to bring some extra cash? This might, in turn, lead to an economic situation where you can change careers without financial stress.
Always check for exciting vacancies. Maybe your dream job is just waiting for you.
The Empress, in its reversal, might indicate creative block. This might, in turn, impact your output and success. If you feel drained and unmotivated, why not take refreshing natural walks on your lunch break?
When getting the Empress reversed, the best cause of action is to access if you are too dependent on your work. Maybe it is time to make a plan B.
The Empress is the card of motherly energy. She also represents Mother Nature and fertility. She represents the birth of life, creativity, and nature.
When you get the Empress in your spread, it is a sign that you need to connect with nature and unconditional love. Caring and loving the Earth, nature, and one another is the vital energy of the card.
What reversals are and how to read them.
If you want to tap into the Empress’ energy, this spread helps you connect with nature. It is perfect when you want to ground yourself.
Start by shuffling the cards. Set a clear intent by closing your eyes and taking a few deep breaths. Open your heart to receive any message you might need to hear. When you feel ready, place the cards in front of you. Don’t force the message. Trust the magic of your inherited wisdom to come through. Let your rational mind rest for a little while.
- How to feel self-love
- What is blocking me from self-love
- How to nourish love to make it grow

Meditating on the Empress card when exploring how to nourish love and self-love is a great idea. And the connection with Mother Nature.
- Hold the Empress card in your hand.
- Gaze at the card. Be sure to look at all the details in the ard. Try to figure out what all the symbols mean (to you!).
- Let the card sink in for a minute or two.
- Close your eyes and imagine you are the Empress.
- What do you see?
- Where are you?
- Try to feel all the emotions attached to the card.
- When you think that you are ready, slowly open your eyes again.
- Take some time in solitude and reflect on your new insights.
It is always a great idea to journal your experiences. It is not uncommon to have profound emotional experiences when meditating on cards. Please don’t stop the emotions; let them flow freely. They need to surface. It is common to feel tingling or warm sensations in your body as you explore your psychic powers. As you learn to read your body’s signals, you realize how often our intuition is at play.
Preparation is key for clear reading, be sure to read the article below. I share my best tips and tricks on how to gain deep insights.
Related article: Get the Most Out of Your Tarot Reading: 5 Ways to Prepare
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