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Tarot Cards That Indicate Your Lover is Coming Back

    Have you ever found yourself yearning for the return of a lost flame, eagerly awaiting the sweet reunion that could reignite the spark? Well, get ready to dive into the mystical world of tarot cards, where ancient symbols hold power to reveal whether your beloved is destined to make a comeback in your life.

    The Lovers is the ultimate tarot card for predicting you will get together with your ex again. The card is a Major Arcana card that represents true love and soul mates. Soul mates will return to each other no matter what happens – hardship, separations, and setbacks.

    In this enchanting journey, we’ll explore the captivating tarot cards that unveil the secrets of your romantic destiny. Whether you’re seeking solace, closure, or a glimmer of hope, these cards will be your trusted companions as we unravel the mysteries of love and unveil the signs that indicate if your partner is on their way back to you.

    You will find helpful information in the article below if you want to learn more about cards that might suggest a final separation.

    Further reading: Tarot Cards That Indicate A Breakup

    THE ULTIMATE TAROT CARD INDICATING your lover will return

    When the Lovers card graces your tarot reading, it’s like a celestial spotlight on the potential reunion with your partner.

    Of all the tarot cards in the deck, no other holds the potent energy of reconciliation as this card. The Lovers is a Major Arcana card that trumps all the Minor Arcana cards in the deck and the other Major Arcana cards – this is why I chose it to be the ultimate indication of your ex returning.

    This card is all about deep connections, unity, and soulmate bonds. The Lovers’ presence suggests a strong possibility of your lover finding their way back into your loving embrace.

    The Lovers card carries an energy that transcends the ordinary. It signifies a profound connection that goes beyond the surface level. It’s as if the universe itself is whispering that the love you once shared has the power to reignite and flourish again.

    The Lovers card carries an energy that transcends the ordinary. It signifies a profound connection that goes beyond the surface level. It’s as if the universe itself is whispering that the love you once shared has the power to reignite and flourish once again.

    Sandra Törnroth

    The Lovers card reminds you of the special bond you and your partner had—a connection that stirred the depths of your souls. It hints that your lover may feel that irresistible pull, drawing them back to you. Perhaps they have been reminiscing about your love, cherishing the memories that linger in their hearts.

    The Lovers card invites you to embrace the possibility of reconciliation with open arms. It encourages you to remember the unique chemistry you two shared and the moments of pure magic that unfolded between you. It’s a gentle nudge to have faith in the strength of your love and the potential for a beautiful reunion.

    But remember, tarot cards are guides, and their messages are open to interpretation. The Lovers card is a powerful sign, but it’s essential to consider your situation’s full context and trust your intuition.

    Keep your heart open, belief in the power of connection, and let the enchantment of the Lovers card guide you toward the possibility of a joyous reunion with your beloved.

    Love has mysterious ways, and the universe may have a delightful surprise in store for you.

    If you want to learn more about love and tarot readings, you will find lots of information in the article below.

    Related article: Tarot Readings for Love: Fact or Fiction?


    Many cards might indicate that you might find reconciliation with your ex-partner. In this list, you find the cards I often see in my readings when the client later returned with their ex. This might help you notice cards in your spreads that hint that love is about to return.

    OrderCard NameExplanationWhy it Might Indicate Your Ex’s Return
    1The LoversSymbolizes deep connection, unity, and soulmate connections.The presence of The Lovers suggests a strong possibility of reconciliation and renewed love, indicating that your ex may feel a strong pull towards reuniting.
    2The Two of CupsRepresents harmony, partnership, and emotional bonding.The Two of Cups often signifies a rekindling of love and the potential for a second chance. It suggests that your ex may be open to rebuilding the emotional connection you once shared.
    3The Six of CupsSignifies nostalgia and the return of an old flame.The appearance of the Six of Cups hints at the potential for your ex to resurface in your life, as it represents fond memories and the reemergence of a past relationship.
    4The Wheel of FortuneRepresents cycles and positive shifts.The Wheel of Fortune suggests a positive change in your relationship’s dynamics. It indicates that your ex might be going through a transformative phase, potentially leading to a favorable outcome for reconciliation.
    5The Page of CupsSymbolizes emotional renewal and openness.The Page of Cups aspires to emotional growth and indicates that your ex may reconsider their feelings. This card suggests they are open to returning to the relationship with a fresh perspective.
    6The Knight of CupsRepresents romance, passion, and a journey of self-discovery.The Knight of Cups signifies that your ex may be on a personal journey of self-reflection and introspection. They might be rediscovering their feelings for you, potentially leading to their return with newfound love and affection.
    7The Ten of CupsSymbolizes fulfillment, joy, and emotional abundance.The appearance of the Ten of Cups indicates the potential for a happy reunion. It suggests that your ex may seek emotional fulfillment and a harmonious future, which could pave the way for their return.

    The Lovers card suggests the possibility of reuniting with your ex by symbolizing deep connections, unity, and soulmate bonds. Its presence hints at a strong potential for reconciliation, indicating that your ex may feel a strong pull towards returning to your loving embrace. You are meant to be, and your roads will cross again.

    The Two of Cups card signifies the potential for getting back with your ex by representing harmony, partnership, and emotional bonding. Its appearance suggests a rekindling of love and the opportunity for a second chance. This card indicates that your ex may be open to rebuilding the emotional connection and finding mutual understanding and fulfillment. When you have settled your arguments, you might be able to start fresh.

    The Six of Cups card suggests the possibility of returning with your ex by symbolizing nostalgia and the return of an old flame. Its presence hints at the potential for your ex to resurface in your life, evoking fond memories and the reemergence of a past relationship. This card signifies the chance for a reunion and the rekindling of the emotional connection you once shared with your ex.

    The Wheel of Fortune card indicates the potential for getting back with your ex by representing cycles and positive shifts. Its presence suggests that your relationship dynamics are subject to change, and this change can work in your favor. This card symbolizes a favorable turn of events, offering hope that circumstances may align to bring you and your ex back together. It signifies that destiny may guide you towards a reunion, presenting an opportunity for reconciliation and a renewed chapter in your love story.

    The Page of Cups card suggests the potential for getting back with your ex by symbolizing emotional renewal and openness. Its presence indicates that your ex may be reconsidering their feelings and approaching the possibility of a reunion with a fresh perspective. It signifies that your ex may be more receptive to reconnecting emotionally, offering renewed love and a chance to rebuild your relationship with a deeper understanding and vulnerability. This card might also suggest your ex returning even if you thought the game was lost.

    The Knight of Cups card indicates the possibility of getting back with your ex by symbolizing romance, passion, and a journey of self-discovery. This card represents a knight in shining armor, a symbol of chivalry and romantic gestures. It suggests that your ex may be inspired to express their love and affection, embarking on a journey to win your heart back. The Knight of Cups signifies the potential for a passionate reunion, where emotions run deep and a new chapter of love and romance begins.

    The Ten of Cups card signifies the possibility of getting back with your ex by symbolizing fulfillment, joy, and emotional abundance. Its appearance suggests the potential for a happy reunion and creating a harmonious and loving future together. This card indicates that your ex’s return may bring immense happiness and deep emotional satisfaction. It represents the opportunity for a renewed connection filled with shared dreams, contentment, and the realization of a loving and fulfilling partnership.

    Remember, tarot interpretations are subjective, and the cards should be seen as guidance rather than definitive predictions.

    These cards suggest potential indications of your ex’s return, but the outcome depends on various factors and the choices made by both parties involved. Trust your intuition and consider the context of your specific situation when interpreting the tarot cards.

    If you want to learn more about tarot cards that might indicate you have found your soulmate, I invite you to read the article below.

    Further reading: 9 Tarot Cards That Indicate a Soulmate

    The SUIt of cups and reconciliation

    It is not all in the single cards; signs of reconciliation can also be seen in tarot suits. Four suits of the tarot deck are Cups, Pentacles, Swords, and Wands. The suits range from aces to Kings.

    If you see lots of Cups spread about your ex in your tarot, it might be a sign that you are soon back together.

    Then, why the Cups? The Cups suit is like a treasure trove of emotions, love, and deep connections. It symbolizes the heart’s desires and the vast ocean of feelings we experience in relationships.

    Regarding reconciling with an ex-lover, the Cups suit offers valuable insights and possibilities.

    The Cups cards are all about emotions, empathy, and the ebb and flow of love. They hold the key to understanding the intricate dance between two hearts. When these cards appear in a reading, they suggest reconciliation might be on the horizon.

    The Cups cards speak of healing, forgiveness, and the willingness to embrace vulnerability. They remind us that the heart has the power to mend and that love has the potential to find its way back, even after experiencing separation.

    Think about it this way: the Cups cards are like whispers from the universe, nudging you to reconnect with the emotions that once bound you and your ex-lover.

    They encourage you to reflect on the deep bond and cherished memories you shared, reminding you that the love you once felt still holds a special place in your heart.

    These cards also highlight the importance of emotional growth and understanding. They urge you and your ex-lover to explore your feelings, learn from past experiences, and approach the possibility of reconciliation with open hearts and minds.

    Remember, though, tarot readings are not set in stone. The presence of the Cups cards suggests the potential for reconciliation, but it’s essential to consider the unique circumstances of your relationship.

    Trust your intuition and be open to the lessons and insights the Cups suit offers.

    If you feel that spark of hope within your heart, embrace it and take the necessary steps to reconnect with your ex-lover.

    The Cups cards remind us that love is a journey, and sometimes, that journey leads us back to the arms of someone who once held a special place in our lives.

    Sandra Törnroth

    The Cups cards remind us that love is a journey, and sometimes, that journey leads us back to the arms of someone who once held a special place in our lives.

    So, be open to the possibilities, nurture your emotions, and let the magic of the Cups suit guide you toward the potential for a beautiful reconciliation with your ex-lover.

    Love surprises us, and who knows what beautiful chapters may unfold when you open your heart to the power of the Cups.

    Related article: Predicting a Walk Down the Aisle: Tarot Cards for Marriage

    Sandra Törnroth

    Intuitive multi-modal tarot reader with a love for crystals and everything esoteric


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