Tarot is a great tool to find out about your past lives. Tarot can gain insights into who you were and where you once lived. It can also bring an understanding of who you are today and why you might sometimes react the way you do.
I share my favorite tarot spreads for exploring your past lives in this article. All of them are perfect for beginners as well as seasoned tarot readers.

When I started reading tarot, I was focused on my current life; what would happen tomorrow, how to make decisions, and so forth.
As I evolved as a tarot reader, I realized that much information is to be found exploring past lives. This is because we carry this information; I call it inherited wisdom.
At times I believe that guardian angels or spirit guides might as well be our past selves helping out. Well, no one knows for sure, so take my thought for what they are worth.
Below, you will find my favorite tarot spreads to explore past lives. As I love slim and focused spreads, we target different areas with different spreads. This article includes the following spreads:
- Who I was in my former life(s)
- What can I learn from my past life(s)
- How to connect with my spirit guide(s)
- Your past life experience
Let’s start this journey by exploring who you were in your past life. Your personality from former lives can give insights into who you are today. We inherit experiences and wisdom from previous lives – like echoes from times that have passed.
Insights into these traits can give you clues why you might have the personality you have. You might also get more profound knowledge about your strengths and weaknesses. Of course, we are formed by our experiences in life as well – but not all answers are found here.
Start by grounding yourself, shuffle the deck, stop mixing when your intuition tells you to, and lay down the cards from left to right.
How to read the message
- Ground yourself with a couple of deep breaths
- Open your mind to receive the messages you need to hear
- Shuffle the deck
- Stop shuffling when your intuition tells you to
- Lay down the cards from left to right
- Accept the message even if it might feel strange at first – the answers will come if you let them.

Card #1: My personality and character
The first card tells you what main personality trait you have. This insight might give clues as to why you act as you do. You don’t learn everything in this life; not all answers are found in this lifetime.
If you get a court card in this position, take note of the personality trait that comes with it.
Related article: What tarot suits are: A total beginner’s guide
Card #2: My strength
By exploring this card, you gain insights into your inner strengths. The belief is that “talents” are inherited wisdom from past life experiences. This can be useful if you feel lost and don’t know your true talent.
Card #3: My weakness
The third card is all about your weakness. This is invaluable knowledge as you might have weak spots that you are not yet fully aware of. When you know your weaknesses, you know what you need to work on.
Understanding your weakness bring strength and development. Never be afraid of challenging your weak spots.
Let the spread rest for a couple of weeks. It will do more harm than good if you create a new spread because the first one felt uncomfortable. Gaining insight into past life experiences can be challenging. Acknowledge your feelings and be kind to yourself at all times.
One of the essential things about past life readings is to use the information you gather ethically and constructively.
To gain a higher vibrational state for every life you live, knowing you can learn and improve. It is very beneficial, not uncommon, for spirit guides to try to deliver clues to this – to help us improve for every life cycle.
How to read the message
- Ground yourself with a couple of deep breaths
- Open your heart to receive the messages you need to hear
- Shuffle the deck
- Stop shuffling when your intuition tells you to
- Lay down the cards from left to right
- Accept the message and work with the energies
- Change does not happen overnight – stick to it (even the uncomfortable answers)

Card #1: My blockages
The first card is all about the blockages you might experience in your past life. The blockages might be transferred over to you in this life.
Maybe you were not able to open your heart to love. This might be seen as a hardship regarding relationships in this life. When you know this trait might be due to inherited wisdom, you have an easier time addressing it – and making needed improvements.
Card #2: My blind spots
The second card is about your blind spots, things you could not see in your past life. Maybe you didn’t want to see it, or you missed it. Either way, it might impact this life.
With this information, you can better understand why you might have problems addressing important things in certain parts of your life.
Maybe you trust people too much? Perhaps you are not able to see your true worth. You can improve your life here and now by gaining access to this insight.
Card #3: My illusions
Card number three addresses illusions you might have experienced in your past life. Maybe you wanted to see things that were not there? Perhaps you wanted to see love when there was non; maybe you wanted to live another life even though the grass is not greener on the other side.
With insights from this card, you might be able to untangle cloudy mindsets in your life here and now.
Many believe that our spirit guides follow us through our life cycles. They are there to help us raise our vibrational state and protect us.
In readings, I have noticed that the spirit guide is a former self. It is essential to take time and connect with your companions as they often have imperative knowledge, messages, or warnings to deliver to us.
The easier your guide can communicate, the more messages you will receive—simple mathematics. And remember, you don’t have to be a psychic to connect with your guides. They will try to deliver the messages regardless of your abilities.
You might get hunches and see signs that bring messages into your everyday life (such as birds, cats, songs, you name it).
With the help of this spread, you learn how to connect with your spirit guide – what you can do to up your chances of receiving a message, how you get your messages, and how to call on them (it or former self).
How to read the message
- Ground yourself with a couple of deep breaths
- Open your mind to receive the messages you need to hear
- Shuffle the deck
- Stop shuffling when your intuition tells you to
- Lay down the cards from left to right
- Accept the message and work with the energies
- Change does not happen overnight – stick to it (even the uncomfortable answers)

Card #1: Your message
The first card lets your spirit guide send you a message through the tarot. Look at the card’s meaning, symbols, or the card’s overall vibe. You get an idea of the vibe by looking at the sky if you are a beginner.
Let your intuition guide you, and look for signs in your everyday life that might connect to the card. You might get an aha moment immediately, or it can take days to understand the message.
Whatever you do – never draw a new card if you can’t understand the message or want another answer. It will often annoy the guide, making connecting with it (or them) more challenging.
Card #2: Who is your spirit guide is
The second card gives clues about who your spirit guide is. Look at the card and trust your intuition. Is it a former you? Might it be a deceased loved one? An angel?
Look at the card’s character if you get a court card in this position. The person depicted on the card might give you clues. Say you get a Queen – this might indicate that it is a mature woman figure.
Always remember, though, it is all about energies, not gender. We all have masculine and feminine traits.
Card #3: How to call your spirit guide
Card number three is how you can call on your spirit guide in times of need. Sometimes we get physical signs in the motif in the card.
You might notice a mountain, a river, or a creek. The best chances you get in contact might be when in nature. Nature and water are excellent ways of opening our minds to receive messages from the subconscious mind.
It can be hard at times to understand this card. But let it rest; it will make sense if you just let it grow on you.
I have noticed that meditating on the card itself might be a gateway for receiving messages.
SPREAD #4: Your past life experience
This tarot spread is perfect if you want to explore the binding energies of your former life.
This spread is divided into childhood, adolescence, adult, and elder. Remember, though, that we all don’t live until we age.
Getting the death card or the four swords might indicate that you died during this stage. Here’s a list of cards that might mean death in your previous life:
- Death
- Knight of Swords
- Ten of Swords
- Ace of Pentacles
Be sure to follow your intuition at all times. You have the answer within. You know when you look at the cards. It can be pretty emotional, so take your time and be kind to yourself.
How to read the message
- Ground yourself with a couple of deep breaths
- Open your mind to receive the messages you need to hear
- Shuffle the deck
- Stop shuffling when your intuition tells you to
- Lay down the cards from left to right
- Accept the message and work with the energies
- Let the message grow if you can’t decipher it right away

Card #1: Your childhood
The first card gives clues about how your childhood was in your past life. Take note of the general vibe of the card.
Card #2: Your adolecence
The second card is all about how your adolescent years were. The binding energy of the card might give clues about what you experienced.
Card #3: Your adulthood
The third card gives clues about how your adulthood was. Maybe you had an easy life, met challenges, were poor, or were sick. As maturity is for an extended period, the energies might still be living inside us.
Card #4: Your older days
The fourth card indicates how your older days were. During this stage of life, we have gained a lot of wisdom. If you lived a long life, you might still have all of this wisdom stored inside of you.
Some people are old souls from birth. Maybe this might be why.
Learning to gain access to our inherited wisdom as can be precious. Human experience has been the same through the ages.
If you can use the wisdom and knowledge we collected in our past lives, you might have answers to complex questions in this life.
It might sometimes be emotional, peeking into past lives as things start to surface. All experiences we have are not rainbows and sunshine. It can be challenging, frightful, and sad as well.
I was taken the first time I connected to my past life as I understood why I had this “darkness” within that I could not shake. It was not me in this life; it was my baggage from my previous life.
It is essential to be patient when connecting to your spirit guides. It often takes time to understand how your directions send you messages. You can’t force anything – it happens when it happens.
With experience, you get better at seeing the signs, getting the messages, and understanding who your guide is.
If you want personal advice, book a reading with me. I am looking forward to hearing from you!
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