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Do you love tarot?
Sage’s Lantern Tarot is hiring writers to create articles for the blog. The goal is to build this site into the go-to place for learning about the tarot. We’re looking for writers with experience and knowledge about tarot and esoteric practices.

Apply here
If you love writing about tarot, we love hearing from you, Tell us a little about yourself and why you want to write for us.
Details and what to expect
PAYMENT. We pay $0.03 per word, and our articles are all either 1,000 or 2,000 words in length. So you’ll be paid either $30, or $60, per article depending on the length. Article lengths are assigned based on the topic, so you’ll know up-front how much you’ll be paid for your efforts.
CREDIT. Articles might be ghostwritten. This means that your name will not be shown on the blog.
SCHEDULE. All writers will be expected to produce three articles per month. It is critical that you stick with the deadlines. If writers don’t deliver on time, they will be let go. If writers want to add more articles a month, it is possible to do so after getting the all-clear from us.
OWNERSHIP. You understand and agree that all photos, videos, written content, and all other media submitted to becomes the exclusive property of the Sage’s Lantern blog and you do not have the right to republish that content on your own site.